The Kepler Space Telescope’s Supernova Surprise

Lisa R. Parker

Supernovae are stellar blasts that herald the deaths of stars, and they can be so brilliant that they may briefly out-dazzle their entire host galaxy. A particular class of supernovae, called Type Ia, proved to be a critical tool in the important discovery of the dark energy–a mysterious force that […]

The Mysterious Magnetic Personality Of Our Star

Lisa R. Parker

Our Solar System emerged about 4.56 billion years ago from the mixed remnants still lingering from the long-dead, nuclear-fusing searing-hot cores of earlier generations of ancient stars. Our Sun was born the same way as other stars of its generation–from a dense frigid blob tenderly tucked within the billowing, undulating […]

Biology-Insects-Termites-Macrotermes bellicosus

Lisa R. Parker

Termites are sometimes referred to as ‘white ants’, but they are not ants and are not related to them. They are most abundant in tropical and sub-tropical countries where, in some cases, their ‘nests give rise to large, prominent mounds. All termites form extensive colonies with one egg-laying queen and […]

Rage, Rage Against The Dying Of The Light

Lisa R. Parker

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light–Do not go gentle into that good night–Dylan Thomas Stars do not live forever; they cast their lovely, glittering light into the merciless darkness of […]

Extreme Biology – Life at All Scales and Energies

Lisa R. Parker

Fixation on Earth-based Visible Life A number of fixations plaguing the astrobiology community regarding the pre-requisites for life is retarding the development of biology and the search for new life in the universe. These fixations work as smokescreens to obscure the myriads of other types of life forms that may […]

Reflecting Telescopes

Lisa R. Parker

When people think of telescopes, reflecting telescopes are usually the last things that come to mind. Rather, people tend to think of a straight tube with lenses at either side. This is unfortunate, since there are several ways to bend light so that it is magnified to the point where […]

Quantum Biology and Its Uses for Aromatherapy

Lisa R. Parker

Bel’Air has brought in cutting edge medical technology from Europe and America, in the form of “Quantum Xrriod C.I System”, to allow distributors to understand their health conditions using the most advanced medical therapeutic method. Without the use of computation segmentation and test strips, you can have access to more […]

Review – David Attenborough’s First Life

Lisa R. Parker

A Review of the Book – “First Life” Designed to accompany the two-part television series, “David Attenborough’s First Life” covers the billions of years of time, leading up to the development of advanced forms of life on our planet. It is a chronological journal, split into eleven chapters that tells […]