Do you find it really difficult to find out exactly what men need from a relationship? Do you find that your love life is suffering because you don’t know how to attract men? Do you have trouble understanding male psychology and want to find a great source of dating advice? If you want to attract men then understanding what they want and need can be a great place to start. If you want to know what men need then carry on reading.
Men like some things to be left up to their imagination, and so you don’t need to wear clothes which reveal everything. You need to make sure that you play slightly hard to get. Don’t answer every single phone call and don’t tell them everything about you. You should be using slightly mysterious answers as these will make him excited. Men are basically hunters and love the thrill of the chase. If you don’t give him the option to chase you then he will quickly end up getting bored.
Men want confident women so that they are not scared about showing their true personality. Men are excited around confident women and that’s why you should improve your self confidence. Make sure that he knows you are busy and hopefully by doing this he will start to miss you and chase you. Men really like to chase women and by giving him this opportunity you will make him treasure your relationship.
When a man is looking for a woman to date they aren’t that picky. They may start to choose women who are irresponsible or cheap. This is just because men don’t understand what they want themselves. You need to show them what they are missing so that they know they want you.
There are a number of things you can do to attract a great guy and understand what men need.
Dress to impress
You need to make sure that you wear comfortable clothes, but don’t wear anything that is too slutty. Make sure that you also avoid your business clothes. Wear anything that you are comfortable wearing so that you will be confident.
Play hard to get
Don’t pick up the phone all of the time because this can show that you are desperate and have nothing else to do. Forget to phone him back if you miss his calls and don’t tell him everything that you get up to. This will keep him guessing and maybe make him want an exclusive relationship.
Give him control
If you want to make a guy feel secure in your relationship then you need to let him take control. Let the man do all of the hard work and just enjoy the ride. If you allow him to have control then he will be much happier with your relationship.
By understanding what men need from a relationship you will find it much easier to attract the right types of guys. Good luck!