Home Is the Best School

Lisa R. Parker

It is true to say that the home is the basis of learning and education. Family members are the first school mates of children and parents are the real role models for them. It is well said “A young branch takes on all the bends that one gives it”. Home is merely the school for giving moral education and parents are the first teachers. The maximum contribution in our achievement is from the home only. Prior to the preschool, the child’s education starts in the family. The school teachers cannot be in such close touch with students, as can parents with their own children. The child learns from their family what is right and what is wrong. The behaviour of the family members towards the other have a great impact on children. It is the home where character of the child is build. Personality development, values and mannerism is taught to the child in family only. The values of life makes a person which teaches the young one to be loving, truthful, honest, caring, humble, courteous and responsible person. The curriculum of the home education is different from what has been written in the books.

Parents teach the child by warning, example and punishment. Our society is facing unnumbered problems. Parents need to spend a lot of time with children to develop overall personality in them. They have to be role models for them and must keep all them away from family problems. Even the family disparities and disputes influence the behaviour of the child. The restlessness in youth now a days and increase in the of crime is the result of lack of improper upbringing of children.Discussing household matters in front of the child, shouting with others can make the child more aggressive.

The security and the comfort which is available at the home are incomparable with the school. Along with the school subjects, it is the experience of the elders that shows us the right path of the success. Parents have more quality time to train and influence their children and there is opportunity for each child to develop individual attention and the instruction. Home provides a good environment for development of confidence and independent thinking and there is enhanced communication between all age groups due to diversified learning environment. This is the reason for “East or West Home is the Best”. The home education can only help to bring peace in the world.

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