Online Tutoring

Lisa R. Parker

Internet and computer technology has advanced faster than the speed of light over the last two decades. Today it has become an integral part of life for us. With this great advancement we have witnessed drastic changes in our lives. Internet has made a very strong impact on our daily routine. Now we can buy things online, book tickets for flight, train etc online or also we can search for property online.

With this advancement now one can avail education online and believe me we can also get online tutoring along with assistance for our home work or assignments. In fact online tutoring is becoming a very popular method of education. Now people staying in remote areas can also get assistance in studies as per their requirements. Now students can get in touch with online tutors and take tutoring and lessons from their home.

Now the question is how this online teaching and tutoring system works? It is very simple and what students require is only a computer with an internet connection and a speaker with mike. Some students prefer headset instead of speakers. A web cam can also be used for video chat between the online tutor and student.

Online Tutor and student communicate with each other by audio and chat software along with a whiteboard that enables student and tutor to write on screen. The screen is visible to both student and online tutor.

Apart from online teaching, students can be benefited by getting Assignment help and homework help from experts and tutors to obtain good grades and marks. In short the benefits of online tutoring can be as below:

1. One to one assistance: Online tutoring helps you to find an exclusive expert tutor for you.

2. Affordable: Online tutoring is less expensive than traditional tutoring.

3. Flexible timings: Students can arrange their sessions as per their own convenience. Online Tutoring companies usually offers 24×7 assistance to students.

4. Assignment help: Students can avail assignment help from tutors.

Online tutoring companies like EduwizardS offer students to search a tutor for them by online searching on the site: Students can find a suitable tutor for them by checking the rating and feedback for tutors. After every session student can give feedback for the session and also give ratings for the tutor.

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