Are you looking to do something a bit different this year to spice up your digital learning lessons? This summer during the ISTE Conference, I was excited to learn that Google Classroom was launching a brand-new feature called “Google Classroom Add-ons” which would bring additional functionality to our favorite Google […]
An Imaginative Approach to Teaching Literacy in the Primary Classroom – imaginED
Judith Ameresekere (MEd in Imaginative Education, lover of literacy, and Primary Educator) Teaching grade two students how to write well is no walk in the park. Typically, in a given year, I have a few students who absolutely love writing and are skilled at using their imagination in their writing. […]
Classroom Routines Eliminate Chaos and Confusion
Classrooms with clear systems, routines, expectations, and workflows run more smoothly, eliminating behaviors that can derail a class. Our work as educators is not simply to teach students content and skills related to our subject areas. It’s our responsibility to cultivate independent, self-directed learners capable of sharing the responsibility for […]
Sadly, EdTech Misunderstands the Best Way to Gain Saturation in the Classroom
Congratulations! You have created the “next big thing” in education and it’s time to share it with the world. You know your goal is to get it in the hands of teachers and have them inspire the world using it so you can begin to build saturation in the market. […]
TikTok Template for the Classroom
TikTok Template Students can now make a TikTok profile for historical figures, book characters, landforms, math functions, and more just by replacing the placeholder images and text on this template. Directions are located on both sides of each slide and can be deleted when finished. Copy the Google Slides TikTok […]
Commentary: Set civics back in the classroom, suitable now | Linked Press
The presidential election appeared to mark a revival in American civic engagement. A document two-thirds of the voters voted. Candidates raised at least $3 billion in compact-dollar donations, and historic get-out-the-vote efforts experienced an influence in Nevada, Georgia and somewhere else. However substantial numbers of People in america look to […]