Holly BF Warren (atelierista/art studio teacher/multimedia artist) When we think we might stare into space, look out from a window, doodle, fiddle with whatever is at hand, touch our head, or play with our hair. Imagination weaves into our thoughts and nudges us into the realm of possibilities. If your […]
Greatest Science Book EVER? – imaginED
By Brandon Hendrickson YouTube is a firehose of garbage: gossip, fake news, and conspiracy theories. It’s also the greatest science book humanity has ever written. Armed with YouTube, you can begin for your students a science education that, before ten years ago, the wealthiest people in the world couldn’t have […]
An Imaginative Approach to Teaching Literacy in the Primary Classroom – imaginED
Judith Ameresekere (MEd in Imaginative Education, lover of literacy, and Primary Educator) Teaching grade two students how to write well is no walk in the park. Typically, in a given year, I have a few students who absolutely love writing and are skilled at using their imagination in their writing. […]
Transforming Schools and Communities – imaginED
Greetings fellow imagination accomplices! Our book on imagination in leadership is ready for pre-order! (Publication date: March 24, 2023). Cultivating Imagination in Leadership: Transforming Schools and Communities provides a theoretical understanding of how imagination contributes to effective leadership, as well as practical tools all educational leaders can employ to cultivate their imaginations and […]