Let’s Mind Our Business — TTT4U

Lisa R. Parker

This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link, a small commission may be paid. Let’s Mind Our Business Educators, it appears that everyone minds our business. Lately, we cannot tell who is watching our store. Our business is teaching and learning, but currently, many people with no education […]

Leadership Trauma is Real — TTT4U

Lisa R. Parker

Leadership Trauma is Real Recently, I listened to a podcast where the guests gave their perspectives about leading underresourced and Title 1 schools. Their conversation about the struggles brought back memories of my tenure as a principal in an urban Pre-K-8th grade school. I found myself shaking my head in […]

Principals are the Lead Relationship Builders — TTT4U

Lisa R. Parker

Relationship Builders Relationships are a vital part of our personal and professional lives. School buildings are ecosystems filled with children and adults from various walks of life. All look for positive interactions that help shape their school experiences. Educators are encouraged to foster and facilitate positive teacher-student, parent-teacher, and student-student […]