The Many Uses of a Biochemistry Analyser

A biochemistry analyser is a term which can refer to any number of different instruments used to analyze and measure the characteristics of various samples from biological sources. All types of biochemistry analyser are commonly used in life sciences laboratories and medical settings, where they provide data which is essential […]

Gaia, the Trickster and Paranormal Hotspots

Lisa R. Parker

As a follow up to the previous article, I decided that some of the material was too detailed to include in the initial Psychoterrestrials Theory posit. This material deserves to be looked at separately but not to be thought of as separate from my Psychoterrestrials Theory. In the last two […]

Best Financial Education Online Resources

Lisa R. Parker

Financial literacy is the key to a brighter future. This is why it’s incredibly unfortunate that few Americans truly understand how to manage their finances. More than 50% of Americans do not have basic grasp of financial literacy; this simply means that people lack vital information that should help them […]