E-learning is a very broad term. It is used to describe any type of learning environment that is computer enhanced. There are multiple technologies that can be employed in E-learning. It has become one of those types of words that are so general as to have lost some of its […]
Home Schooling: Educating the Teachers
It’s 5:30 a.m. on a summer day. I should be sleeping like the rest of the world, ensconced in a woolly blanket of certitude that there is no work today, only vacation. But I can’t really sleep. It’s the first day of school, you see. There is an old theory […]
Pay For College Without Busting Your Retirement Nest Egg
When your salary stops at retirement, will you have enough to pay your bills, travel and live the lifestyle that you want in your Golden Years? Sure, you may be one of the lucky ones with a pension. Social Security may even still be around. But if you want to […]
Online Scheduling Software Helps Colleges Easily Book Rooms, Schedule Advising and Testing Sessions
Colleges and universities are typically known for their forward-thinking focus and advancements in academic fields. However, some institutions do not implement these important traits when it comes to managing and scheduling such activities as academic advising and student testing, as well as booking room space. In fact, some may still […]
Continuing Education for Sports Massage Therapists
Are you currently a misuse for athletes? Are you looking to boost your skills to go forward in your career? Online resources are a cheap and easy method for learning new sports massage techniques to better your talents as a sports misuse. Not only does this make you a more […]
Basic Math Facts – Combining Like Terms
In mathematics, you have four primary operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Given that subtraction is the inverse of addition, multiplication is repeated addition, and division is the inverse of multiplication, you see that the other three operations are indirectly derived from addition. In this sense, there is truly one […]
Out-Of-Body Experience – What is It?
An out-of-body experience or OOBE can be defined as a paranormal phenomenon in which consciousness or spirit or soul separates from the physical body and observes the physical body as well as the physical world from outside. An out-of-body experience can be mistaken for a dream or daydream. However, an […]
Online Education: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Studies
Years ago, education wasn’t accessible for everyone except for the elite. In modern society, turning into a student can be as natural as breathing, even if you experience the lack of money or time. Everybody knows that education is vital and influences career expectations a lot, and this fact forces […]
Cancer Research and the 21st Century Science-Art Renaissance
The basis of the Platonic ‘Science for ethical ends’, invented during the 3rd Century BC, was sacred geometrical logic. If, as Plato stated, ‘All is Geometry’, then its first principles, together with the ancient use of plane geometry, govern the evolution of ‘All’. Prevailing science accepts that fractal geometrical logic […]
Making Sense Of Male Psychology – How Men Fall In Love
Are you scratching your head trying to make sense of male psychology? Do you seem to understand everyone who is important in your life except the man you are involved with? Are you frustrated with the fact that you work so hard on your relationship but never seem to get […]