The experience of growing a garden can help home school students learn a great deal. A garden can be very rewarding and also very frustrating. Growing a successful garden doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some things that your home school student can learn from working on a garden: […]
Education news
How Principals Can Make Sure Their Schools Are Well Organized and On Target for Student Success
For principals to make sure their schools are organized and on target for success they should utilize cabinet meetings as one of their positive and important organizational tools. Such cabinet meetings can help guarantee that the school is running in an orderly manner. These meetings also keep the entire staff […]
A Math Worksheet To Inspire Success
It is amazing the difference in effort you will get from worksheet to worksheet. Granted the amount of effort may vary immensely from year to year depending on the group of students you have. However for the most part, when a worksheet is needed to help drill down a procedure, […]
Artificial Intelligence Will Change Human So Society So Profoundly Humans Will Stop Thinking
Artificial Intelligence will out think, out innovate, and our strategize humans at all levels. One of the biggest challenges in the clash between AI and humans when it comes to innovation and human intellect – consider this; In the future Artificial Intelligence will be running our society and civilization with […]
How to Understand and Use NCE’s and Stanines
Some scores on an achievement test are less meaningful than others to parent educators and classroom teachers. The normal curve equivalent, commonly referred to as the NCE score, falls into this category. If a score lacks meaning, it often lacks usefulness and is considered irrelevant as well. Nevertheless, because NCE’s […]
Three Disadvantages of Traditional Classroom Learning
In a traditional classroom setting, students are made to sit passively while the teacher delivers a lecture. There are reasons as to why many teachers seem dissatisfied with this practice. For now, I shall limit myself to only three: a. Students’ focus is set in the wrong direction; in taking […]
Options in Educational Decision Making
Everyone needs make decisions all their life, so we think we know how. We do it daily: what to wear to school/work/social events; what to do in our spare or free time; when to spend or save money; which purchases are necessary or frivolous. We make decision about objects (cars, […]
Info 101 – Common Core State Standards and the Race to the Top
After taking more than a year to develop and built on a foundation of previously established college and career-readiness standards, the Common Core State Standards have now been released. You should know that… • The Standards were developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors […]
Home Schooling Three to Five Year Olds and Legal Requirements
Parents who decide to home school their pre-school children have researched the value of teaching your own children at home. Beginning home school at the pre-school age is an excellent way to get the parent and the child used to the idea of learning at home. This is also a […]
The Democrats Want To Blame Donald Trump For The Oroville Dam Crisis – Wow
The Governor of California and the left is going to blame Global Warming and the Republicans for one of the biggest dam breaches in US history, that is if that dam break comes to fruition, but please do not be so naïve to listen. Beware of those who point fingers […]