A Math Worksheet To Inspire Success

Lisa R. Parker

It is amazing the difference in effort you will get from worksheet to worksheet. Granted the amount of effort may vary immensely from year to year depending on the group of students you have. However for the most part, when a worksheet is needed to help drill down a procedure, […]

How to Understand and Use NCE’s and Stanines

Lisa R. Parker

Some scores on an achievement test are less meaningful than others to parent educators and classroom teachers. The normal curve equivalent, commonly referred to as the NCE score, falls into this category. If a score lacks meaning, it often lacks usefulness and is considered irrelevant as well. Nevertheless, because NCE’s […]

Options in Educational Decision Making

Lisa R. Parker

Everyone needs make decisions all their life, so we think we know how. We do it daily: what to wear to school/work/social events; what to do in our spare or free time; when to spend or save money; which purchases are necessary or frivolous. We make decision about objects (cars, […]