Investigating the Paranormal takes more than just expensive tools. It takes the proper mindset and attitude. It also takes heart. I want to ask all you Paranormal ninjas a question. Who do you think was the first person to hear and EVP? I think the answer is Thomas Watson. Watson […]
online school
Gaia, the Trickster and Paranormal Hotspots
As a follow up to the previous article, I decided that some of the material was too detailed to include in the initial Psychoterrestrials Theory posit. This material deserves to be looked at separately but not to be thought of as separate from my Psychoterrestrials Theory. In the last two […]
Best Financial Education Online Resources
Financial literacy is the key to a brighter future. This is why it’s incredibly unfortunate that few Americans truly understand how to manage their finances. More than 50% of Americans do not have basic grasp of financial literacy; this simply means that people lack vital information that should help them […]
Psychic Attack: Spiritual Purification and Cord Cutting
Energy stealers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself. A more common name is a Psychic Vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case the vampire is sucking our vital energy, depleting us […]
Ghost Hunting – The Art of a Successful Ghost Hunt Event
Haunted Happenings is a unique ghost hunting company. We ensure that all of our events fully involve our guests in making this a ghost hunting experience to remember. The guests work with the paranormal team and are part of the investigation. They are taught how to manage themselves during vigils […]
The Power of Love – Soldier Saved by a Dream – A Valentine Story Mystery
This must truly be a Valentine story to beat all others. In the heat and chaos of World War One, a young Polish soldier known as Stanislaus Omensky kissed his fiancee, Merna, before marching off to war. “I’ll dream of you,” she said. Little did either of them know that […]
Interested In Distance Learning? Advantages And Disadvantages Of Distance Education
As the cost of education increases every year, many youths are wondering whether they should find work first and study later, while others have totally abandoned the thought of studying to attain degrees and just go to work directly. With that said, many of us still hope that one day […]
How to Get a Question Answered By a Psychic
Most people today are not thrilled about solving mathematical equations. This is not because they do not understand or comprehend the processes involved, but rather because they have no interest or incentive to do so. Technology has literally taken the interest in problem-solving out of the mathematical equation entirely. In […]
What Really Goes Bump In The Night At Warwick Castle?
Okay, so if you live in the UK you have probably heard of Warwick Castle and if you’re one of the millions of visitors who have experienced this 11th Century castle already then you’ll understand it being awarded Britain’s best castle by the Good Britain Guide in 2003. But… What […]
Top Tips For Capturing Real Ghost Videos During Paranormal Investigations
If you are conducting a paranormal investigation, it is important to know a few tips that will allow you to capture real ghost videos that will assist in establishing proof of ghosts. Ghost investigators everywhere seek to reveal true ghost video of the investigations that they perform because of the […]