In A Solar System Far, Far Away

Lisa R. Parker

Stars are born encircled by a swirling disk composed of gas and dust, which is called a protoplanetary accretion disk, and these whirling, gaseous rings surrounding baby stars harbor the necessary ingredients from which a family of planets form. Astronomers have observed a number of such protoplanetary accretion disks circling […]

Study Abroad and Explore New Opportunities

Lisa R. Parker

Today, students from across the world migrate to different countries for their higher education. They get to mingle and interact with students from various countries, which helps them broaden their horizons and expand their minds. A student can learn about the culture, language, and traditions of the host country. He […]

Child Psychology – Early Childhood

Lisa R. Parker

Characteristics of early childhood: (2 to 6 yrs.) i) Early childhood is a distinctive period in the life span. It is a problem age or troublesome age for parents since most of them are centered around the baby’s physical care. In childhood, behavior problems become more frequent and more troublesome […]