What Makes a Good Translation?

Lisa R. Parker

There’s of course no absolute answer as to what makes a “good” or “bad” translation. In some sense, a good translation is one that can be done to the available budget whilst fulfilling its purpose. However, there are occasions when text quality is the prevailing factor: a well written, readily […]

The Renaissance and Synergetic Environmental Science

Lisa R. Parker

Buckminster Fuller and Sir C P Snow warned that the existing unbalanced understanding of the second law of thermodynamics was accelerating civilisation toward global disaster. To prevent that disaster, modern science needed to be reunited with the Classical Greek Era’s Humanities’ life science. A question arises, is it possible for […]

Biospheres: Reproducing Planet Earth

Lisa R. Parker

Dorion Sagan’s 1990 paperback Biospheres: Reproducing Planet Earth (McGraw-Hill Publishing, ISBN 0-553-28883-0) does more than deliver a unique vision of the planet’s life support system. It also challenges the traditional view of humanity as the dominant feature of life on Earth. Perhaps that is no less than should be expected […]

Listing Education on a Resume

Lisa R. Parker

So you’ve gone to the time, expense and effort to complete some aspect of formal education. Or maybe you started to work on this, but then inevitably, life happened… had to take a job to pay the bills, got married, had kids, moved, etc. etc. There’s a universe of things […]

Obama Helps Moms Go Back to School

Lisa R. Parker

Barack Obama has made a pledge to help moms go back to school while the government pays for it. The goal is to make college education available for everyone and moms are often the ones that miss out. $5500 Federal Scholarships for Moms He has increased the Federal Pell Grant […]