Biology – Amphibia, An Introduction

Lisa R. Parker

As the name (from Greek, amphibios, meaning ‘having a double life’) implies, the amphibia are adapted to move, feed and breathe equally well on land or in fresh water though, in most cases, they breed only in water. All amphibia are vertebrates, that is, they have a vertebral column and […]

Europa: Jupiter’s Icy Water-Moon

Lisa R. Parker

In the colder, darker outer regions of our Solar System, a quartet of majestic giant planets circle our Sun. Of these gigantic, distant worlds, the banded behemoth, Jupiter, stands out in the crowd as by far the largest planet in our Sun’s family. Jupiter, the “King of Planets”, reigns in […]

In A Solar System Far, Far Away

Lisa R. Parker

Stars are born encircled by a swirling disk composed of gas and dust, which is called a protoplanetary accretion disk, and these whirling, gaseous rings surrounding baby stars harbor the necessary ingredients from which a family of planets form. Astronomers have observed a number of such protoplanetary accretion disks circling […]

What Exactly Is DNA Made Up Of?

Lisa R. Parker

DNA Have you ever asked yourself the question why my eyes are this color? Or any question as to why we look the way we do. All our features come down to our genetics. Those genetics are family traits that are passed down through our bloodlines. It all comes down […]