Ejaculation denial is a poorly understood lifestyle choice that’s far more popular than you’d ever believe. Tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of couples live in relationships where the man is simply not allowed to orgasm. But why choose… Ejaculation denial? Well, perhaps the easiest and simplest way I can put […]
Month: November 2024
Donald in Mathmagic Land – Motivating Maths Students
When I began teaching Mathematics in high school in the mid-1960s, the teaching pedagogue was what was called “chalk and talk”. There was little attempt by traditional Maths teachers to use any other teaching approach. I must admit that I was primary trained learning to teach the whole variety of […]
The Importance of Sign Language – What You Must Know!
Sign language is a system of non verbal communication. It is normally used by the deaf. Sign language can be used or can be expressed in different ways. Facial expressions are also used to communicate thought or ideas. Sign language is becoming more popular among people and there are many […]
Cotton Candy Planets
An exoplanet is a planet that is the offspring of a distant star, and resides outside our own Solar System. Some of these alien worlds resemble the planets inhabiting our Sun’s family, while others are so different that they are true “oddballs”–unlike anything astronomers have every observed in our Solar […]
Is EFL or ESL English Teaching Practical for Home Schooling?
Home Schooling is Popular Home schooling is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Because in some areas schools are too dangerous to consider. Parents want to have more control over their children’s learning environment. Schools in some districts lack essential quality in resources and staff to effectively educate children for the challenges […]
Socialization Opportunities For Homeschoolers
Most homeschoolers get asked the question, “What about Socialization?” If you have been home schooling for any length of time, you can just smile because you know there are plenty of opportunities for socialization. Homeschool children interact with people much more than people think. Here are some opportunities for socialization: […]
Learning a Language: What Makes Listening Difficult?
Of the four basic English language skills, reading, writing, speaking and listening, the most difficult to acquire is listening comprehension. It is also the one skill which cannot be “taught”. In evaluations that university English and foreign language institute EFL students must take at least three times a semester, the […]
Elementals (Nature Spirits) – Make Friends and Work With Them and They Will Help You Too!
The joy of many elementals (nature spirits) as we befriend and help them, is to serve us in many different ways – from practical matters to seemingly miraculous events. As long as the requests are heart-centered and in keeping with the higher will of Spirit/God, they will assist us – […]
For College Admission Success, Mind Your Manners
You may be wondering how college admissions and manners could possibly be related. The connection is surprisingly clear. As you go through the college planning process, you’ll deal with adults who have some influence on your future. How you handle these encounters can make all the difference. Frequently, the college […]
Learning a Foreign Language – A New Approach Using Foreign Songs
During the long history of mankind, a song was always a kind of technique, which helped people to transmit knowledge, wisdom and information from one generation to another. For the peoples, who had no written language, their songs constituted a valuable part of the oral tradition. The messages of the […]