Socialization Opportunities For Homeschoolers

Lisa R. Parker

Most homeschoolers get asked the question, “What about Socialization?” If you have been home schooling for any length of time, you can just smile because you know there are plenty of opportunities for socialization. Homeschool children interact with people much more than people think. Here are some opportunities for socialization:

1. Extracurricular Activities – These can be paid for by the parents or offered free through the community. Your child can take classes like gymnastics, ballet, dance, pottery, jewelry making, drawing, tennis, golf, martial arts, swimming, babysitting classes, and many other community activities.

2. Homeschool Support Group or Cooperative Events – Many home school groups offer weekly or monthly classes or events. There are also seasonal events like Science fairs, spelling bees, and field trips. Some groups even have talent nights or offer special rates for lessons at area businesses. There may also be opportunities to attend special musical or theatrical performances as a group.

3. Socializing with siblings and parents – Many people overlook the fact that home school children usually have to interact with their family members all day long. Those are sometimes the most challenging relationships to maintain. Children learn many problem solving skills when interacting with members of their own family all day.

4. Community Sponsored Activities – Many communities have recreation departments that offer team sports like basketball, soccer, volleyball and more. Don’t overlook bowling leagues and swim teams either. Some communities also have community choirs, bands and drama groups where your children can participate.

5. Church Activities – Sports teams can be a great outreach opportunity for local churches. Look for these so your children can participate too. Choir and band programs are sometimes available for children to perform and learn. Youth groups sometimes need members to perform in a band playing an instrument or singing. If your church doesn’t have a program like these, then maybe you and your children could start one.

6. School Activities – Many schools will allow your children to participate in choir, drama and art classes. For younger grades there are various Biddy programs that are open to all the children in the community. Students are always welcome to attend sporting events when they pay admission. These can be great family outings where you interact with the community and get to see a game.

If you keep your eyes open and interact with people, you will be able to find plenty of ways for your children to socialize with others.

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