Free Technology for Teachers: Chrome, Crows, and Games

Lisa R. Parker

Good morning from Maine where the sunrise is still more than an hour away as I drink my first cup of coffee. It’s going to be an exciting day in our house because we’re going to see Disney Frozen on Ice! To say that my daughters are excited about it would be an understatement. They would have slept in their Frozen costumes last night if we had let them. The rest of the weekend will be a more mundane schedule of raking leaves and riding bikes. I hope that you have a fun and relaxing weekend. 

This week more people registered for Animated Explanations which begins on November 1st. Register by midnight (ET) on October 31st to be a part of the inaugural class!

These were the week’s most popular posts:

1. Five Great Chrome Extensions for Teachers
2. TED-Ed Lessons With a Halloween Theme
3. A Fun Tool for Creating Avatars

4. How to Set Notifications for Individual Google Documents

5. Trick O’ Treat Safety Review Games

6. The Differences Between Crows and Ravens

7. Five More Things Students Can Explain With Simple Animations

Workshops and Keynotes

If you’d like to have me speak at your school or conference, please send me an email at richardbyrne (at) or fill out the form on this page. 

50 Tech Tuesday Tips!

50 Tech Tuesday Tips is an eBook that I created with busy tech coaches, tech integrators, and media specialists in mind. In it you’ll find 50 ideas and tutorials that you can use as the basis of your own short PD sessions. Get a copy today!
Other Places to Follow Me:

  • The Practical Ed Tech Newsletter comes out every Sunday evening/ Monday morning. It features my favorite tip of the week and the week’s most popular posts from Free Technology for Teachers.
  • My YouTube channel has more than 43,000 subscribers watching my short tutorial videos on a wide array of educational technology tools. 
  • I’ve been Tweeting as @rmbyrne for fifteen years. 
  • The Free Technology for Teachers Facebook page features new and old posts from this blog throughout the week. 
  • If you’re curious about my life outside of education, you can follow me on Strava.

This post originally appeared on If you see it elsewhere, it has been used without permission. Featured image captured by Richard Byrne.

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