A Review of K 12 Education

Lisa R. Parker

The compulsory attendance of children to go to school starting at the age of six to up nineteen in the thirteenth grade is called the K 12 educational system. Learning about a little bit of the background of this type of educational system makes it easier to understand its overall […]

What is a Hollow Earth Theory?

Lisa R. Parker

A Hollow Earth Theory is an assumption that our earth is hollow and that intelligent beings, most probably with very advanced technologies, live in it. An astronomer, Edmund Halley (1692), put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell. Other scientists expanded this idea suggesting that the interior […]

Are You Ready To Homeschool?

Lisa R. Parker

Let’s face it, homeschooling is a huge step for anyone to undertake and it take lots and lots of preparation to get it right. But don’t despair, if you put in the effort and hours BEFORE you start on the homeschooling path, you’ll be cruising along later on – promise! […]

Reflecting Telescopes

Lisa R. Parker

When people think of telescopes, reflecting telescopes are usually the last things that come to mind. Rather, people tend to think of a straight tube with lenses at either side. This is unfortunate, since there are several ways to bend light so that it is magnified to the point where […]

Latest Developments In Science And Technology

Lisa R. Parker

Researchers Carry Out Largest Gene Sequencing Of Human Diseases To Date According to reports released on May 23, 2013, researchers at the University of London, England, have carried out the largest sequencing study of human diseases to date. In their study, the scientists investigated the genetic basis of six autoimmune […]

"Success" and Education

Lisa R. Parker

“The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.” – Newston D. Baker The prospect of success is what drives many people to continue their education. Whether this success means the expansion of their person, the opening of their mind to possibilities, the sharpening of […]

An Overview of Online Learning

Lisa R. Parker

Correspondence courses and distance learning have a new name now, known as online learning. Online courses are available for a wide range of subjects that attract many students, and they are available at varying prices. This system of education is gaining a lot of popularity as it offers an economical […]

Adult Education – How is it Different?

Lisa R. Parker

How is it different from K-12? Why is this important to us? Discuss andragogy and life-long learning. Adult education, how is it different? Before we discuss the practical differences, let’s first address the two primary categories of education – pedagogy, and andragogy. Simply stated, in Merriam Webster’s online dictionary, pedagogy […]