Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Sir C P Snow and the Cure for Cancer

Lisa R. Parker

In 2008, The Times Literary Supplement included the book,’The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution’ in its list of books that most influenced Western Public Discourse since the Second World War. Sir C P Snow’s 1959 Cambridge University Rede lecture argued that unless Classical Arts theory was reunited with science, then civilisation would collapse, the reason for this being that scientists had let themselves be governed by an erroneous Einsteinian world-view, which demands that all life in the universe must eventually be destroyed. Modern science can be seen to be accelerating that destruction through entropic global economic rationalism, leading to global economic collapse and World War III.

In 1979, China’s most highly awarded physicist, Hun Huang gave the Australian Science-Art Research Centre the methodology with which to use the world’s seashell fossil record to reunite science with the ancient art-form mathematics. This was in order to prevent Einsteinian global chaos from accellerating entropic destruction.

During the 1980s, the Centre’s mathematician, Chris Illert, developed a seashell formula directly from the Classical Arts mathematics, in order to successfully generate healthy seashell bio-form growth and development simulations through thirty million years of space-time. In 1990 this discovery was reprinted by the SPIE Milestone Series,belonging to the world’s largest technological research institute, IEEE in Washington, as one of the important optical discoveries of the 20th Century.

The President of the Institute for Basic Research in the USA, Professor Ruggero Santilli, in liaison with the Centre’s mathematician, advanced the research into the realm of physics. In 1995 an international peer review of this work recognised the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time, as predicted by Kun Huang.

As Einsteinian mathematics can only generate deformed bio-form simulations, through space time, the Centre’s Royal Fellow of Medicine, Dr George Cockburn, together with the Centre’s director (the author of this article), considered that mainstream mathematics must be innately carcinogenic. The 1937 Nobel laureate in medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, had also arrived at that conclusion. He considered that consciousness evolved in unison with the Einsteinian energies of chaos. Szent-Gyorgyi argued that within the human metabolism, the emotional conflict of being forced to live under an unnatural entropic yoke was interfering with the healthy evolution of human consciousness, contributing to cancer growth.

The director of the Centre’s work then focussed upon the functioning of the synergestic world-view derived by the famous American engineer, Buckminster Fuller. Fuller’s work was constructed upon the ancient art-mathematics of Plato. Both argued along similar lines to Sir C P Snow and Szent-Gyorgyi. The Science-Art Centre, drawing upon the cancer theories of Dr Cockburn, used 3-D glasses with asymmetrical electromagnetic lensing, to discover if artists over the centuries had unconsciously depicted hidden holographic images within their paintings. This subsequently proved to be correct.

The associated electromagnetic phenomenon appeared to be compatible with Szent-Gyorgyi’s electromagnetic cancer theories. Furthermore, the Centre successfully predicted that the negentropic properties of carbon signalling evolves consciousness. This occurs when the human metabolism gains pattern recognition of the Golden Mean geometrical dance of life (Buckminster Fuller’s Jitterbug). This geometrical dance depicts the process of proteins constantly enfolding in DNA (see: Theory of Carbon Signalling. Negentropy vs Entropy-Emergence of Self Propagated Biological Systems by Radoslav Bozov, Independent researcher, biology department, University of Virginia).

The Centre’s prediction was validated in 2011 when the Cornell University Library in the USA announced a quantum biological discovery by two Chinese scientists. They used mathematics to prove that proteins were continuously enfolded into geometrical patterns in DNA, in complete defiance of Einstein’s understanding of the laws of universal energy.

This article suggests that completely successful guidelines for cancer research can now only be possible when Buckminster Fuller’s balanced synergistic World Game Theory is implemented, as soon as is possible. In Fuller’s words this would ‘Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone’. Fuller had received many awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, presented to him on February 23, 1983, by President Ronald Reagan.

Within a Einsteinian entropic world mindset, where Nobel Prizes are awarded for the development of a non-cooperative economic mathematical games theory, Fuller’s solution, for the betterment of the human condition is an impossible concept for the entropic mind to grasp. However, there is now enough data to program a supercomputer to instantly resolve this situation. All that is lacking is the anti-cancer medical will to implement it.

As already mentioned, Buckminster Fuller’s concept of the harnessing of universal energy to prevent Einstein’s chaos from occurring, completely echoed the ethos of C P Snow and Szent-Gyorgyi and other eminent scientists.

IBM’s chess playing computer, Deep Blue, became the world’s first computer to defeat a world chess champion. IBM’s Watson computer beat the greatest minds in America able to play the more complex game, Jeopardy. Fuller’s World Game Theory was alluding to a supercomputer to play the game of human survival, a choice between what he called ‘Utopia or Oblivion’. The idea of programming the Fullererne supercomputer must now include thousands of years of thinking related to what Einstein called mythological-mathematical intuition embracing ideas beond that of his entropic universe.

In 1957, the New York University of Science published a book, ‘Babylonian Myth to Modern Science’. In the book, Einstein was held to have derived his theory of relativity and his equation E=Mc squared from that Babylonian mythological mathematical intuition. Einstein believed that all of science was governed by a universal law of chaos that dictated the eventual destruction of all life in the universe. This is the same law that applies to the functioning of steam engines. When the heat runs out, the engine stops. Furthermore, if you wait long enough the steam engine will decay into a rusted, useless hulk. According to Einstein this decay must happen to the entire universe, causing all life in the universe to perish.

Conversely, in ancient Egypt, the mythological intuitions advocated infinite creative activity instead of extinction. The Goddess Maat’s mathematical science was held necessary to prevent the universe from reverting to chaos, in order for it to thrive within an endless evolutionary process. The Greeks developed the Egyptian ideas, in order to design a government in which the mathematics of Platonic Love prevented the extinction of life.

The Harvard University Press has published that the Great Italian Renaissance was constructed upon Marcillo Fincino’s writings, taken from ‘Plato’s Theology’. Plato’s atomistic theology was based upon fusing ethics into the theories of creation belonging to the Greek philosopher of science, Anaxagoras. He, in turn, had derived it from the mythological-mathematics belonging to the Egyptian creator-god Atum (the word atom is considered to have been derived from the creator-god’s name). The Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy transformed the mathematics into what is now recognised as being an infinite fractal expression, linking the living process to infinity. This fractal expression is diametrically opposed to the Einsteinian death sentence for humanity.

Harvard University’s Novartis Professor, Amy Edmondson, in her biography of Buckminster Fuller, gently admonished him for not explaining that he derived his balanced world-view directly from Plato’s mathematics. Fuller wrote that his world-view was about making the choice between Utopia or Oblivion. This echoed Plato’s concept that an ethical creative science could prevent civilisation from reverting to chaos. The name of the ancient 3rd Century BC Platonic Greek science was called the ‘Science for Ethical Ends’. Its sister atomistic science was called the ‘Science of Universal love’, with both embracing the physics principles of what is now referred to as Platonic Love.

In 1600, the scientist, Giordano Bruno was imprisoned and burnt alive by the Church in Rome for teaching about the science of Platonic love in England at Oxford University. Modern nanotechnology proves that the workings of the molecule of emotion, discovered in 1972 by Dr Candace Pert, functions as an infinite fractal expression, in defiance of Einstein’s world-view. Buckmister Fuller’s World Game Cooperative Theory, to guide the Platonic Fullerene medical science, is now the world’s top priority world peace concept.

It is possible to explain this situation briefly in philosophical terms. Many famous atomistic philosophers, such as Plato, Philo. Plotinus and Al Haitham, specifically warned not to use vision as the source of all knowledge. They associated that cerebral process with the definition of evil (anti-life) as a destructive property of unformed matter in the physical atom. Da Vinci, Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon thought otherwise and were the pivotal figures who ushered in the mechanical industrial age, inherited by Einstein.

Einstein’s use of vision was basic to quantum mechanics, as an act of visual observer participation, using light to view subatomic particles and in so doing altering the fabric of the universe. That concept led to E=Mc squared, atomic weapons and out of control nanotechnology, a far more serious proposition threatening civilisation than Plato predicted. The problem arises, that under the present scientific conditions it becomes impossible for mainstream science to reunite with Classical Art mathematical theories. Furthermore, the Arts cannot define any difference between aesthetically pleasing activity and the ancient ethical acquisition of scientific ‘Wisdom through Beauty’, as Sir C P Snow advocated. Although quantum biological research can measure and validate the importance of Snow’s vital bridging process, entropic economic rationalism must always remain hostile to it. Experience demonstrates that this human survival issue must become a legal-medical issue, governed by the proposed Fullerene World-Game supercomputer.

In 1986 the director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, during his Artist-in residency at the University of Sydney, worked alongside a cancer research team where he added comments to a cancer research article published by the University of Sydney News. His contribution predicted the importance of the life-energy mathematics published by his Centre’s mathematician in Italy’s leading scientific journal. Furious eminent Australian scientists attempted to have his contribution removed from the article, because it dared to challenge Einstein’s world-view. In their ignorance they declared it to be a disgrace to the University of Sydney. This attack was so intensely emotional that it led to a front page article in the Sydney Morning Herald. The support that the director received from the medical world against this attack upon his Science-art theories, was such that he received the prestigious 1989 Dorothy Knox Award for Distinguished Persons, which was another Artist-in-residency at the Dumore Lang College, Macquarie University, Sydney.

In 1988 the Australian Medical Observer, published a feature article, written by its Science Writer, Dr Calvin Miller, which stated that the Science-Art article that had caused such contention, was asking the right questions and might possibly be heralding a new global Renaissance. The Centre’s book, entitled the 21st Century Renaissance was published in 2012. It was written in liaison with the University of Florence’s New Measure of Humanity Project. This project was directed by the two Italian chemists, Paolo Manzelli and Massimo Pregnolato, recipients of the 2010 Giorgio Napolitano Medal on behalf of the Republic of Rome, for their quantum biology life-energy discoveries. The 1988 Medical Observer article had correctly predicted the now internationally recognised Renaissance, pioneered in part by the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia. Australian politics is still preventing the Australian people from knowing about this, while at the same time several scientific conferences in Britain, Italy and China are celebrating the birth of the 21st Century Renaissance.

The late Royal Fellow of Medicine, London, Dr George Cockburn, the Centre’s Bio-Aesthetician, had written several books researching cancer. His work has now been found compatible to recently discovered evolutionary quantum biology systems associating carbon properties acting in defiance of Einstein’s erroneous understanding of universal energy systems. The Centre’s mathematical life-science discovery was the first, and probably the only one in the world, to prove life to be an inevitable consequence of expanding biological space, as described by cancer researchers developing the cancer theories of the Nobel laureate Szent-Gyorgyi.

Using Cockburn’s work, the Director of the Centre delivered a published Science-Art lecture at Yangzhou University in China in 2001, in which he predicted the aforementioned protein dance of life within DNA, which uses carbon signalling to provide intuitive evolutionary survival information to the mind. Later, he published the discovery that Plato’s spiritual optical engineering priciples created artistic emotion, resulting from intuitive pattern recognition of the geometrical Platonic thought forms belonging to Fuller’s dance of life.

In 2009 the Australian Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia and its former mathematician were awarded Gold Medal Laureates for their Science-Art life-energy discoveries by the Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, London.

By linking mathematics to physics, in which the energies of chaos govern all of science, Einstein’s equation E = Mc squared, correctly described the functioning of the destructive potential of physical reality, which, although a political tool for power, can only accelerate humanity into a World War III chaos, linked to global economic collapse. The mathematics of Humanity, attempting to maintain healthy evolution through expanding space-time, was given an electromagnetic equation to balance E=Mc squared, by the Jesuit Priest, Tielhardt de Chardin. He was working with the scientist educator, Maria Montessori, who is listed in TIME Magazine’s ‘Century of Science’ as the greatest scientist of 1907.

The functioning of the molecule of emotion, discovered by Dr Candace Pert in 1972, behaves in a manner that Montessorri predicted, and obeys the universal laws of physics, postulated by the engineer, Buckminster Fuller. The carbon Fullerene chemistry, named after him, became the basis of the new medical science instigated by the three 1996 Nobel laureates in Chemistry. The science-Art Centre renamed the Fullerene Chemistry as Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, and together with a Dr of international Law, Michael Byrne, designed a human survival legal format for world peace that cannot be delivered within any Australia University. Although a department of the United Nations has investigated the situation and declared it valid.

Einstein would not accept Plato’s dictum that ‘all is geometry’, therefore dismissing the spiritual engineering optics of Plato, which were held to function in the act of creation leading to light and matter, arising from the dark Abyss referred to in the Old Testament. Einstein insisted that the universe was a physical phenomenon, although his protege David Bohm argued about the existence of a holographic universe. Furthermore, Sir Isaac Newton, within his unpublished Heresy Papers, was convinced that the physical universe had to be completed by a more natural and profound philosophy, based upon the physics principles of particle movement, which belonged to the once banished Platonic science (see Gregory, R. 1989, Alchemy of Mind over Matter, Nature. Vol. 342. 30 November, page 473).

As already mentioned, C P Snow delivered his 1959 Rede Lecture at Cambridge University advocating a reunification of Classical Art theory with modern science in order to save civilisation from entropic extinction. This article is about how the Australian entropic political culture treats such reasoning. It stands as a warning of how to judge the cultural integrity of governmental thinking, which seeks security by balancing budgets to provide more entropic employment to bring about an entropic environmental disaster through a lack of understanding about how to harness the negentropic properties of carbon.

If one observes the front cover of the current Third edition of Artists and Galleries of Australia, Vol. 2, it can be noted that the former Art Critic for the national newspaper ‘The Australian’ and former Chairman of the Visual Arts Board of Australia Council, Dr Elwin Lyn. AM, describes the Science-Art painting on the front cover by the artist Director of the Science-Art Research Centre. He wrote that after painstaking research, that the artist became recognised as ‘representing an unprecedented pictorial survey of most recent attitudes and consolidated values.’ Sir C P Snow called the scientists, who failed to link creative thought with science in defiance of the prevailing scientific world view, as reflecting the mentality of their neolithic cave dwelling ancestors. Surely the same thing applies to the cultural aspirations of the Australian Government.

In 1995 the Hon. Simon Crean, as the Federal Minister of Science, knew enough about the work of the Science- Art Research Centre to feel obliged to overturn a negative university assessment of the Centre’s work, by a major Australian University. Apparently, he may well have agreed with the negative scientific assessment, that while the work was not factually erroneous, it was inconceivable. He may well have thought that it could have no possible relevance to the emergence of the internationally recognised 21st Century Renaissance predicted in the 1988 issue of the eminent Australian Medical Observer. Now, as the Australian Federal Minister for The Arts, his ministry appears hostile to the Creative Physics discoveries associated with Science-Art research.

The complex issues raised in Science-Art quantum biological research may not be great thoughts of outstanding genius. However, the proposed Buckminster Fuller supercomputer will quickly sort out that minor problem in seconds. Until now all of the Australian Science-Art discoveries mentioned in this article were paid for by artists selling their paintings to help provide a sustainable future for the betterment of the human condition. Where was the federal Ministry for the Arts to offer encouragement and financial support relative to such a crucial cultural issue? The reader can contact the Australian Ministry for the Arts in order to learn that the author of this article might be considered delusional, or a person that they have never heard of. Then, one can enter the words Platonic Fullerene Chemistry on Google. By selecting any one such listing under EzineArticles, they will realise that virtually all of the other many thousands of listings can be traced to the author, or his Centre’s colleague Chris Degenhardt’s, copyright.

© Professor Robert Pope,

Advisor to the President Oceania and Australasia of the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei

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