A Critique Of “The Science Of Getting Rich”

Lisa R. Parker

“The Science of Getting Rich” was written by Wallace Wattles and published in 1910.

This book is a core part of the foundation of the modern self help movement and the material promoted by people like Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Robert Kiyosaki, Zig Ziglar, Wayne Dyer, Joe Vitali and so many others.

This book is the inspiration and source for Rhonda Byrnes’ “The Secret” and promotion of the Law Of Attraction [LOA] which has become the financial juggernaut that all of the aforementioned motivational writers and trainers have jumped onto.

However, when you read and reflect on Wattles’ writing it rapidly becomes apparent that several key aspects of Wattles’ approach have been left out of the popularised LOA teachings and I will highlight these points below.

It also becomes very clear that distortions have arisen, resulting in the ridiculous and offensive belief taught in the LOA [and especially by Byrnes’ and “Abraham Hicks'” teachings] that all illness, poverty and suffering is directly the result of the thoughts of the sufferers.

When reading The Science Of Getting Rich it is important to bear in mind the following points:

# The Language Is 100 Years Old

The language and terminology used in 1910 is a little different to contemporary use of certain ideas and phrases.

Be aware of this. Adopting a “fundamentalist” and literalist view of his terminology does not help.

Focus on the core, proven, actionable steps.

# Drop The Philosophy – Drop The “Woo Woo” and Pseudo-Science & Focus On The Principles

Wattles’ philosophical outlook is rooted in a monistic view of life i.e. that everything is created from one core substance. He may or may not be right. It is unprovable and whilst it is an interesting and speculative idea it can be a distraction.

You do not need to understand, accept or share that philosophical perspective to apply the success principles that he outlines.

I recommend that you drop the philosophy and concentrate on the principles of thought and action that he outlines.

# Drop The Speculation – The Metaphysics Of How This Stuff All Works Is Unprovable

Following on from that thought, I suggest that you accept that how all this stuff works is unprovable and don’t waste time on unproductive speculation and accept that we will never categorically get a definitive handle on the truth about consciousness and reality.

If you can accept this, then approach this in an experimental frame of mind and I propose the guidelines outlined here.

# Choose Your Belief: Is Life Benign, Neutral Or Malign? Then Test It

You can either view life / the universe [or whatever you want to label it] as neutral, malign or benign.

I choose to take the view that it is benign and supportive and watching your back, and my life experience has supported that view.

Its your call, but I would suggest you put it to the test.

# “Thinking In A Certain Way” Is NOT A Mystery Nor Does It Support LOA Pseudo Science Non-sense

Don’t get confused or hung up on Wattles’ terminology about thinking in a certain way.

There is nothing mysterious about this.

Forget all the unproven pseudo science in the LOA about thoughts having resonance. That’s all “smoke and mirrors” used to justify the LOA “sell” and to extract your money.

It makes the core actionable principles in Wattles’ teaching seem more deep and mysterious than it really needs to be.

# The Real Power Of All This Lies In The Proven Phenomena Of The Magnified Effect Of Several Factors Working Together

The power of Wattles’ approach lies in the combined effect of each of the core elements of his approach:

  • Maintaining a clear point of focus
  • Taking action now
  • Dropping the “hows”
  • The practice of gratitude
  • Exceeding expectations by over-delivering
  • Sustaining a positive attitude
  • Dealing with failure
  • Accepting the gestation period

This is known as the “Lollapalooza Effect” [technically referred to as autocatalysis].

This proven effect occurs where the combined effect of several factors all working in the same direction cause a result that is hugely greater than the effect of any one factor working on its own.

This is not conjecture or belief but a well attested and observed phenomena!

Read the full article here: The Science Of Getting Rich

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