Data Science: The Pinnacle of All Careers

Lisa R. Parker

What is Data Science?

The wide application of Information Technology and Computer Science has given rise to so many new fields in the corporate sector which have enormous potentials and possibilities. One of the fastest growing careers among them is Data Science, which has become extremely popular among youth because of its exciting nature of work and new newness. Professionals who do this job are known as Data Scientists.

The demand for Data Scientists is increasing all over the world, and the world’s reputed organizations have listed this profession as the best profession of the 21st century. And the fact that there aren’t enough Data Scientists currently implies great opportunities for the newcomers in this field.

What Is Data Science All About?

We live in an age where we are surrounded by data. Communicating with all this data is a challenging task. Earlier, industries relied on simple tools such as BI for Data Mining, but with the advent of technical statistics and computer science, this has evolved to be known as Data Science. The introduction of Big Data and its relation to Information Technology led to its grand scale rise.

With Data Science, we can learn the hidden information in the data, and by applying analytics, we can use this information to solve business problems, foresee future trends and understand certain patterns which would be very difficult to be performed just by applying human intellect. But only mining some diverse set of data is not enough. The success depends on building programs based on the data which enhances the industrial results, and that’s what Data Scientists are expert in.

It is actually a platform where Business, Computer Science and Statistics come together. The job of a Data Scientist includes:

  1. Organizing: This refers to the collection of data through open source software frameworks such as Hadoop and SAS.
  2. Modeling: This is where a Data Scientist transforms, integrates and refines the data in order to understand it and create statistical models which can be applied to solve the problem at hand.
  3. Delivering: After a model is constructed, the Data Scientist explains the model to the customer and other members.

Benefits of Applying Data Science in Industry

All major companies have reported excellent improvement in their business results by applying Data Science to exploit their user’s data and understand how to improve their products. The prime reason why companies like Google, Amazon and Apple are so ahead of their competitors is that they’re making excellent use of Data Science to track each and every user and draw inferences from their behavior and shopping pattern. This can be seen easily in the preciseness of Google searches, Facebook’s newsfeed recommendation and Amazon’s products suggestions. But this is not the end because Data Science is also creating milestones in industries like Medical Science, Banking and Finance, Online Education, Security Systems, Aviation Industry… and this list can go on and on.

Your Way to Become a Data Scientist

Data Scientists are the professionals who have a good knowledge of programming, statistics, mathematics and computers. They can deal with any type of data and process it to make it meaningful. The online course is designed to prepare students experts in all the concepts and tools which are employed in Data Science.

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