Developing Talents And Culture of Hardwork: Which Way To Go?

Lisa R. Parker


There is ongoing debate on talent verses hardwork, in terms of which of the two is best consider, explore, and grow to thrive in unpredictable economic times.

The author shows why talent counts more than hardwork. However, in doing so, it is pertinent that the reader understands role of handwork in talent development.

Talent is widely understood as natural endowment or acquired skill that facilitates exceptional performance on a given task.

On the other hand, hardwork is consistent effort exerted on a given task to yield desired effect without necessarily considering quality outcomes and time span. Rather, it is result-focused.

Talent comes with skills for doing work, including the ability to accomplish tasks in the fastest time possible to achieve quality outcomes.

Hardwork without any skill is effortless, frustrating, and stressful. It has far-reaching psychological implications, including burnout, depression, and psychopathic behaviours.

Besides, application of talent is hardwork applied to consistently explore, discover one’s potential, and gain exposure to realize it, which are more strategic and well-intentioned actions to succeed.

It is, then, about how much effort one puts in that makes the difference, even when everyone has the talent to perform a similar task.

Below are justifications for talent on one hand and hardwork.

Why talent counts more than hardwork

Success is made possible through application of talent on a given by task. This does not necessarily mean working so hard, but offering the best one can to achieve success.

Talent involves the critical thinking, planning, skill formation, and testing before valuation and introduction to the market.

Further, formal management structures are formed to provide leadership and organize resources in processing tasks, assessing needs, sourcing tools and efficiently applying them to achieve set goals.

Without brain power, a person may work hard without changing the situation he or she may very much want to change.

Typically, hardwork is a measure set by society rather than the individual concerned, which undermines own values, beliefs, and special qualities about the person.

Again, this causes unnecessary anxiety, stress, depression and abscondment from duty.

Eventually, no one will be interested in work and growth anymore, even when naturally obliged to meet social obligations.

Of course, an end to this is failure, until confidence and hope runs out. But, this is not the life we all dream of, and work hard for.

It can be reiterated that hard work does not mean favourable outcomes. This calls for extraordinary skills to escape the misery, transform the unfavorable status quo and attain skills and performance measures needed to prosper.

The opportunity to develop skills is available from 1 year of age under supervision, until 16 when skills develop, and 24 years when maturity, proper personal, and self-organization are well demonstrated.

Otherwise, a child or teenager maybe tuned to work very hard on concerns that yield nothing, because of absence of planning skills, organization abilities and leadership qualities, which are specific talents some individuals may not have or may have had no opportunity to develop them.

Current work environment attract presence and keeping busy at work stations without concern of outcomes; quality of work, productivity, and relevance to development plans.

Exceptional performance through talent shows and skillful accomplishments count most in driving success home. In such circumstances, people with talents are most preferred and bound to benefit from the limited resources the country and the world can offer.

Working hard is meaningful if applied with skill or talent. But talent development occurs as a result of skillful hardwork.

It is never by accident that a person has shown specific talent. He or she must have demonstrated the known talent very consistently over a decade of time.

Hardwork is never in vain once sandwiched with talent. Talents reduce friction encountered during hard labour and comes with results or rewards. This kind of hardwork is most meaningful.

A talented person is able to see opportunities available, develop interest, demonstrate passion, openness to taking on chances, strong desire and enthusiasm while performing tasks before him or her.

These are key ingredients in successful end of hardwork. In fact, hardwork is “softwork” upon application of talent during performances. Therefore, with hardwork at the core of driving one’s talent, very successful ends are predictable.

A case for hardwork

“Hardwork pays” is a popular saying across cultures and a motivational slogan for learners in primary, secondary, post-secondary and higher education levels. It is encouraged and rewarded through competitive group activities. It motivates everyone to work hard and be the best or nearest to them.

The weak ones begin to think and act as the strong counterparts act, the strong endure, and the successful ones to sustain great performances.

Hardwork determines how much and how better a worker can manifest himself or herself to be alongside others with same attributes in terms of how successful they are and can be. For example, in a football league, each team player is talented well enough and capable of winning a match-day contest, but the amount of hardwork exhibited by the teams may vary, and so are the performances, results, and rewards.

Hardwork is such indispensable feature in skillful pursuit for success, despite performers’ possession of talents associated with their work.

Conclusion and recommendation

Talent superceded hardwork because it is developed through consistent hardwork, rather than by only hardwork.

It is powered by the brain; there is critical thinking, critical planning activities, organization of and application of right tools to achieve a given goal.

On the note, talent clears any obstacles faced during performances such that perceived hardwork becomes “softwork.

For that matter, there is need to focus on developing talents since it encompasses application of hardwork to achieve predictable success. This turns hardwork into “softwork”.

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