Kids Science Project Boards That Aren’t Boring

Lisa R. Parker

Kids’ science projects aren’t finished until the last letter is glued onto the science board. After the science project is finished, you want it to look its very best for the science fair! You really want the project to reflect how hard your kids have worked.

A science board is usually a three fold display divided into several sections. Each section can be headed by an identifying title:

Title, Purpose and Hypothesis – Every science board has to display the project title and purpose – and they aren’t necessarily the same thing. For example, the title of your project might be “EGG-XPERIMENTING!” The purpose of this project, however, is to discover “Does water move through the membrane of an egg?” The title will usually be displayed in the center panel at the top or on an extra board fastened across the top of your project. You should have a separate section for your hypothesis.

Materials and Procedure – These two sections list what you used in your experiment, and what steps you took to accomplish them. It always looks nice to use bullets or numbers in your list. The information in these sections should give specific instructions so your can be repeated by someone else. Be as clear as possible. Your kids’ science projects should be able to be repeated by the next kid in line!

Data and Results – The format of your data and results section will depend on the experiment you have done. You will probably include your graph and chart in this section. You may also give a paragraph summarizing your results. Graphs and charts should be colorful and clear.

Conclusion, Analysis, Applications, References – These sections will not always be required. Check with your teacher to see if you need to include them.

Note that your science fair might not want kids’ names on the science boards at all. They may identify the projects with a number.

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