How often do you face difficult decisions, and wish you had a personal guide that you could ask for private advice? How often do you feel lost, or unsure of what to do?
In today’s fast-paced world, we face tough decisions every day.
That’s why it is so important to learn to talk to your spirit guides. Many people don’t even know that we can receive guidance from the spirit realm!
Our spirit guides reside in the spirit world and are not bound by the same laws as people. They may choose to communicate with us, to share their wisdom, guidance, and support in times of need.
Here are Two Ways to Connect with Your Spirit Guides:
- Enter a State of “Hypnogogia” — Hypnogogia is another word for the state between being awake and asleep. Just before you go into deep sleep, your mind lowers it’s boundaries and you enter a state of hypnogogia. Your mind is also in a state of hypnogogia when you first wake up. These are the times when spirits can easily connect to you.
- Enter a State of Meditation — During meditation, the mind becomes relaxed and calm. Your mind blocks outside distractions, so that you can focus on receiving messages from the spirit world. If you don’t have the time to enter a full state of meditation, try closing your eyes, and taking some deep breaths. Enter a quiet space – even if it’s just for a minute or two.
How to Receive Messages from the Spirit Realm:
Psychics receive messages from their guides in different ways. How guidance is received depends on the spirit and the psychic.
- Clairaudient psychics receive guidance from their spirit guides by listening to a small “voice of reason”, inside their heads. The spirit communicates with the psychic by sending messages that the psychic can hear and understand.
- Clairvoyant psychics usually receive images, or visuals from the spirit realm. Suddenly, the solution to a problem may appear, or a difficult decision might become simple. Psychics also report receiving symbols from their spirit guides.
- Clairsentient psychics often receive strong “gut” feelings from their spiritual guides. Instead of seeing or hearing the solution, a clairsentient psychic will feel it. Spirits allow these psychics to sense the right decision.
Spirit guides can help you with almost any decision! The more you communicate with a spirit, the easier it will become. Learn to talk to your spirit guides regularly.