Retransforming the Education System

Lisa R. Parker

There are certain set of moral values and traditional beliefs that are passed on from older generations to newer generations. These values and belief now however are falling short of the latest trends in the education system. We all now that change is inevitable. Based on this theory the education system also needs to undergo tremendous change so that it can cope up with the fast changing times. The old standards of reading, writing and learning have to be left behind in order to put new methodologies to use. The world today is a global village and the education system of today revolves around this thought.

The subjects whether related to academic topics or with social concerns are being talked about at international level and not at national or regional level. The schools today are not teaching the lessons of patriotism. No one wants to limit their child’s thought to the borders of a country. The teachers of today teach the lesson of unity in diversity. Instead of teaching “God bless America” teachers are emphasizing on “We are the world”. The lessons that even give a single hint of racism or traditionalism have been chucked out of the text books. The text books have lessons which are compatible with the whole world. The social issues also are related with issues like global warming and other environmental issues.

The question that arises is that is all this that is happening for the good? Are we sure that this transformation of the education system will not have any wrong results? It is high time that we the people put on our thinking caps and take hold of this situation. All the things that are happening are having a politically correct angle attached with them. The upcoming generations are becoming dumber. We are sending our children to schools to make them even dumber. The moral values are running the lowest with the youth of today.

Children find it very hard to respect their elders and children can not be blamed for this. They are not being taught that paying respect to elders is important.

The children today are more impatient and lack common sense. The only good thing that they see in the whole world is their video game console. They are free to play whenever and wherever they feel like. The interest from studies is also diminishing as there are many governments across the globe which have banned the concept of giving failing grades to children up to a particular age. This was done as a step to improve the education system but the irony of the situation is that the standard of education has fallen even lower than before because the children have stopped taking studies seriously.

Giving the children modern day education is a good thing happening around but this modern age education must take along with it the old morals, values and beliefs in order to achieve over all improvement t of the society. A perfect blend of the old and the new concepts will not only make excellent professionals but will also make good human beings.

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