Trying to seduce a woman you hardly know is not the easiest
of things to do…but there are some principles of psychology
which you can apply to make the process a lot easier and
which will guarantee that you always get positive responses
from women you approach. One of these powerful principles is
knowing how to communicate with different “Personality
Basically most people fall into one of 3 main categories in
terms of the way they express themselves and the way that
they “take in information” about the world around them. So
any girl you meet will usually belong to one of these
The idea here is to communicate with each girl you meet in
the LANGUAGE that she will best understand and that will
lead to you making a very strong connection with that girl.
She will immediately feel that you know her in a way that
nobody else ever has before. Therefore seducing her becomes
1,000 times easier as a result of this “super-strong”
So here are the 3 personality types and how to communicate
with them:
1) Auditory Girls: These are girls that respond best to
“Hearing-based” descriptions. So for example if you’re
describing a trip you took to the beach, you want to be
describing the SOUND of the crashing waves. You would say
something like, “The waves were crashing on the shore very
LOUDLY. And I could HEAR the sound of the pebbles as they
pounded on the beach front.” You get the picture here:
you’re really trying to stimulate her auditory mind by
making sure to focus on the sound element of the event.
2) Visual Girls: These girls are especially stimulated by
things that they can picture visually in their minds eye. So
they focus on the picture element of any event. For example,
using the same beach scenario: you would communicate with
this type of girl like this, “The moonlight LOOKED so bright
that night. It was so nice to SEE the outline of the ocean
in the distance from the shore. It was the most amazing
SIGHT ever.”
3) Kinesthetic Girls: These are girls that mainly
communicate their thoughts by the sense of “Touch.” They
tend to relate best to things and ideas they can “touch” or
“feel” with their hands. They need to have a strong grip on
things, literally. So the best way to make a strong
connection when communicating with these girls is to say
something like this, “It was such a good night, I really
FELT the peace and tranquillity of the beach. And the way
that the sand RUBBED against my skin FELT like absolute
So the next question is: How do you know what personality
type a woman belongs to? Well, the answer is pretty simple.
You get them to talk about things they have to describe and
then you listen for which “buzz-words” they tend to use most
frequently in their conversation. That way you can just
“key” into their language and feed it back to them when
communicating YOUR thoughts and descriptions.
You see, once you key into a girl’s personality type and
start to communicate in her specific “language,” you’ll
immediately create a situation where she opens up to you and
is more willing to get physically “intimate” with you faster
than you could ever imagine. This will happen because her
sub-conscious mind sees you as a soul-mate. And this can
transform the relationship from some guy she just met to a
guy she feels she’s known all her life and who is able to
understand her deeply.
So there you have it. You should apply this principle in
your interactions with the women you want to date: you will
find that the seduction will become so much easier for you
and the results you get from women will be unbelievable.