The Sacred Geometries of Lust, Power and Platonic Love

Lisa R. Parker

In the light of nanotechnology the philosopher Anaxagoras, during the 5th Century BC, can now be considered to have founded Western atomistic science with his theory of creation. The Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, by consciously fusing ethics into his theory of creation, established (a spiritual) science in the 3rd Century BC. This method of thinking followed the ancient Egyptian practice of using sacred geometrical mathematics to define mercy, compassion and justice in terms of political law, that today explains the existence of such things as hospitals and old age pensions.

One of the strangest results of the Greek development of atomistic science was that it transformed the original creation theory into what is now recognised as a complex dynamical fractal logical system extending to infinity. Mathematically, this is also recognisable as being an observer-participant act of quantum mechanics, in which mind influences the subatomic fabric of universal reality.

The linking of Anaxagoras’ mind-function theories to the workings of an infinite universe is an impossible idea within the present Einsteinian world-view. A world-view demanding the eventual destruction of all life in the universe, is a concept which cannot tolerate the idea that the living process might belong to the workings of an infinite universe.

However, mainstream science readily accepts that the logic of complex dynamical fractal logic does indeed extend to infinity. It is ridiculous to deny the infinite nature of reality because nanotechnology demonstrates that the molecule of emotion, discovered by Dr Candace Pert in 1972, functions as a mathematical expression in concert with the workings of Anaxagoras’s infinite universe.

The Einsteinian world-view, although a work of genius, only applies to physical reality and not to the workings of a universal holographic reality, as postulated by Einstein’s protege, David Bohm.

In 2011 the Cornell University Library announced a quantum biological discovery by two Chinese scientists who had used mathematics to describe that the protein enfolding within DNA is in defiance of Einstein’s world-view. Ten years earlier the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia had published a prediction that evolutionary direction was provided by the constantly changing shapes of evolving protein in DNA, contrary to the key physics principle of chaos upholding Einsteinian science.

Sir Isaac Newton also considered that the universe was infinite and his unpublished Heresy Papers, discovered last century, proclaimed his conviction that a more natural and profound universal energy system existed to balance the forces belonging to the physical description of the universe. The physics principles upholding this heresy belonged to the same ones that upheld the ancient Greek Platonic ‘Science for ethical ends’, which, as mentioned, had been developed from Anaxagoras’ theories of creation. Anaxagoras held that in the beginning of the cosmos two infinite principles existed, Mind and the Primeval Mixture in a state of chaos. The cosmos began to form as the infinite spermata within the Primeval Mixture separated from it by the power of evolving mind. Modern 21st Century quantum biology understands that consciousness does indeed evolve through a quantum entanglement between the energies of materialistic chaos and the electromagnetic energies of subatomic movement.

The Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent Gyorgyi, was one of those scientists who disagreed with 20th Century mainstream science, insisting that the energies of human consciousness evolved by interacting with the energies of Einstein’s universal energies of chaos. This article attempts to explain how the concept of Platonic Love, as an observer-participant act, is crucial to the concept of guiding the development of the technologies for healthy human evolution, in the form of a new medical science governed by a new international legal system.

The relevant energy’s mathematical association with the Platonic ‘Music of the Spheres’ was discovered by the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia during the 1980s and in 1990 the world’s largest research institute, IEEE’s SPIE Milestone Series, reprinted it as a major optical mathematical discovery from the 20th Century literature. In 1995 the Institute for Basic Research in America advanced the work to discover new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time.

Plato, it can be reasoned, understood that the Golden Mean geometrical ratios belonging to the sacred geometries of the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt embraced an infinite mathematical logic that existed before the physical world was created. He clearly anticipated these geometries to be a spiritual optical entanglement with the physical world for an infinite ethical evolutionary purpose. Greek Platonic philosophers had studied in Egypt and were aware that during the Second Kingdom, the mathematics of mercy, compassion and justice had been incorporated into political law. Aristotle wrote about a science to guide ennobling government, so that humanity could become part of the healthy evolution of the universe, in order to avoid extinction. This depicted a futuristic ethical medical science to govern global human evolutionary survival.

Harvard University’s Novartis Professor, Amy Edmondson, in her biography of the engineer Buckminster Fuller, wrote that he derived his model of a balanced two energy system from the spiritual optical engineering principles of Plato, which were derived from the ethical sacred geometries of ancient Egypt. Sir Isaac Newton’s more profound natural infinite philosophy also embraced this idea of two universal energy systems.The purpose of the Egyptian ethical mathematics (Maat) was to prevent the universe from reverting back to primordial chaos.

During the 15th Century, Fibonacci and Pacioli taught Leonardo da Vinci the mathematics of the Babylonian Mystery Schools. Leonardo, together with Rene Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon became the pivotal persons who ushered in the mechanical era of the industrialised world. The 20th Century mathematician Bertrand Russell’s most popular essay, entitled ‘A Freeman’s Worship’, was derived from the teachings of the Babylonian Goddess of prostitution and war, Ishtar. Although the Babylonian School embraced aspects of infinity, Russell’s essay advocated the worship of Einstein’s world-view of chaos. Russell appears to have been emotionally influenced by the teachings of Ishtar, as he became Britain’s foremost advocate of free sex. Russell even wrote a marriage guidance book on that subject and was dismissed from his professorial position at the College of New York in 1940, by court order, as being morally unfit to teach students.

The Ishtar Gate was built in the 6th century BC by decree of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. It depicted aspects of environmental reality in which the ancient sacred geometries found in nature, influenced sexual behaviour within the human condition. The complex mathematical logic developed from Ishtar’s teachings became the basis of our present mainstream science. Lord Bertrand Russell wrote that we have no other choice but to worship the Babylonian mathematics ethos of inevitable total universal chaos belonging to the Einsteinian world-view.

Scholars in ancient times used many natural examples with which to associate sex with sacred geometrical Golden Mean designs in nature, including the design structure of time, tides and planetary movement. Anaxagoras’ creation theory of a cosmic spermata principle being linked to the sacred geometries, is well recorded in the evolution of life on earth. The sexual behaviour of the horseshoe crab for example, demonstrates this. It survived the great extinction of life when the earth’s biosphere began to include oxygen, a gas that destroyed most life on earth. The horseshoe crab has survived for 300 million years, existing before any dinosaur walked the earth.

The Golden Mean design of the horseshoe crab’s female pheromones acts as a trigger, causing the males to release great quantities of sperm. This ensures the fertilisation of her eggs at particular tidal times during the spring and summer months. This occurs along the Eastern coast of America and Mexico during their mating on sandy shorelines. So many fertilised eggs are produced as a source of food for fish, reptiles and birds that this frenzy of sexual coupling has little to associate sex with some great infinite ethical purpose. On the other hand the concept of Platonic Love, derived from the mathematics of the Egyptian Mystery Schools into the form of a dynamical infinite fractal logic, as a conscious observer-participant function, does participate in the evolution of universal reality.

In the 18th and 19th Centuries, the great philosophers of the Romantic School of Electromagnetism, Immanuel Kant, Hans Christian Oersted, Friedrich Schelling and Alexander von Humboldt, understood that when Pythagoras put light into the Music of the Spheres concept he was referring to an electromagnetic phenomena. The ancient Greeks associated the movement of the moon with the female cycle. Later, electromagnetic researchers investigated the Platonic ethic that the moon’s movement was thought to impart to the atoms of a mother’s soul to explain her love and compassion for children. Through this, they sought to discover the Kantian electromagnetic ethic for perpetual peace on earth. This is reflected in modern day quantum biology, in which it is considered that when the sperm enters the ovum the female electromagnetic field transforms the electromagnetic motor driving the sperm’s tai,l into the cellular centriole. This energises the first bone formed in the embryo, the sphenoid bone, which in ancient alchemy was called the Golden Mean.

Having had its Music of the Sphere’s life-energy mathematical discoveries for seashell creatures published by IEEE in 1990, the Science-Art Centre of Australia made another important breakthrough in Creative Physics. This breakthrough occurred in 1995, when the Institute for Basic Research was internationally acclaimed for advancing the mathematics into new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time. Later, the Centre also realised that the same physics laws were employed in the electromagnetic energising of the human sphenoid bone.

Complex detailed functioning of this electromagnetic Greek Music of the Spheres within the human cerebral mechanism has been called the ‘Grand Scientific Musical Theory’ in the book INTERFERENCE,written by Texas University’s Dr Richard Merrick. The important social implications for the world in general, of the ancient Music of the Spheres, has also been explained in the book HARMONY, written by HRH Prince Charles.

The present erroneous educational dictatorship can be considered to be functioning for the benefit of those seeking continual profit from accelerating chaos on earth, through the development of entropic fossil fuel technology. Under those circumstances, Western leaders have no choice but to argue that they must accelerate this obsession with chaos technology. The nightmare of this situation can be clearly seen in Plato’s warning that such an unethical obsession would cause the destructive evil of unformed matter to emerge from the atom to destroy civilisation.

The three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry established a medical science based upon what they termed Fullerene Chemistry. The Science-Art Research Centre, realised that Fuller had derived his universal model of two entangling energy systems from Plato’s mathematics. From this it became clear that the term Platonic Fullerene Chemistry described Aristotle’s medical science to guide ennobling government. The negentropic properties of carbon discoveries, based on Fuller’s geometries, were seen as the means to prevent society from falling victim to the global chaos associated with its present materialistic world-view. The new medical science, based upon a Platonic oath, upgrading the Hypocratic Oath, would be used for the health and betterment of the global human condition.

After the Institute for Basic Research advanced the Centre’s life-energy mathematics in order to reveal new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time, a very serious problem arose. The Centre’s Royal Fellow of Medicine (London) Dr George Cockburn, agreed that the Einsteinian world-view mathematics could only generate distorted computer simulations of bio-forms though vast periods of evolutionary space-time. From the perspective of Platonic Fullerene quantum biology, this classified mainstream science as being innately cancerous.

The Centre’s medical practitioner, Dr Peter Yaxley, in liaison with Michael Byrne, a Doctor of International Law, reviewed Immanuel Kant’s electromagnetic ethic for perpetual peace on earth, that had been later examined by the League of Nations. As a result of this research it was discovered that Friedrich Schelling had modified Kant’s basic premise by linking it directly to the physics laws governing the Platonic science for ethical ends. The upgraded concept for world peace work is about to be presented to relevant sections of UNESCO and the United Nations, as has been published in the book entitled ‘The 21st Century Renaissance’.

© Professor Robert Pope,

Advisor to the President Oceania and Australasia of the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei

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